Punjabi and Gay? - It’s Ok! [English Version]


Growing up, it’s normal for us to take on the values and beliefs of the people that are raising us. For those of us raised with traditional Punjabi values this usually means that we have to believe that our biological sex (‘female’ or ‘male’) determines our life path, and that a heterosexual marriage with someone from a similar background is something we should all aim for. 

Realising you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or queer+ (LGBTQ+)  can be stressful as you realise that you will have to introduce your family and friends to new ideas about living, loving and making your way in the world.

It’s important to remember that there is nothing wrong with being LGBTQ+. Other people might have strong beliefs on what is ‘right’ or ‘normal’ but nobody has the right to judge you for your sexuality or gender identity.

It’s also important you give yourself and the people around you time to get used to things. Keep yourself physically and emotionally safe and find people that will accept you for who you are.

The good news is that there are lots of Punjabi LGBTQ+ people in the world and if you have access to the internet you should be able to find a way to connect with other Punjabi LGBTQ+ people or to find resources that will help you think things through.

The Punjabi LGBTQ+ family is international – you are not alone!

The Open Minds Project


Language, identity and belonging


Talking about mental health in Punjabi cultures [English Version]